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Time for Growth – Is Your Super Subtle Habit of Hesitation is Holding Back Your Business

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Is Your Super Subtle Habit of Hesitation is Holding Back Your Business

Can I let you into a biggest secret…

…. Drum roll…

There is actually no such thing as the prefect time or the right time to change or grow your business! No, nada, no, its total rubbish! There is only Now.

Do you believe that at some point you are going to have the courage, that you will have confidence, the money, the time to build your business where you dream it to be? Well. it’s time to stop lying to yourself, its time to stop putting off and its time to stop holding yourself back.

Our brain is hardwired to avoid things that are uncomfortable. Our brains are designed to keep us comfortable. If you want to be successful you are going to have to do things that are hard, uncomfortable, scary and you are going to have to dig deep within to overcome challenges.

You only truly feel motivated to do things that are easy so in short, we must be willing to get comfortable with the discomfort involved with taking risks as success comes unbelievable feeling of fulfilment and achievement.

Success is a combination of “mirco-moments”

We must really build resistance to those “mirco-moments” when we feel ourselves hesitate. You know what that feeling, it is the “super subtle of habit of hesitation”.  If you can recall the last time when you felt uncomfortable, how did you body and mind react.

In a subtle “mirco-moment” of uncomfortable your brain wakes up, it asks why are you hesitating and the brain goes to work to make you rest – it has millions of ways to protect you by magnifies risk to pull you away from what’s uncomfortable.

What are you subtle ‘mirco-moments’ of “super subtle of habit of hesitation”? Take a moment, think about it. Mastering these will save you time, stress and a great deal of money.

Our “super subtle of habit of hesitation” really impact to quality of decision of making daily in growing your business. You can truly trace every problem to these “super subtle of habit of hesitations”.

So get with the programme, you will never be fully motivated, there will never be the right time but you are one decision away from a totally different business, a totally different income or a totally future.

Take that one decision today, call me and let’s discuss how I can help you to take control and shift from frustration to fulfilment and success. Call me on 07725052349

Hugh Impact on my Coffee Business 

Ann has had a huge impact on me and my coffee business, not only in financial terms but in my mindset, confidence and goal setting which, to me, has been the most valuable. I have found that my productivity and goal reaching has gone up and in turn, growth has been consistent due to Ann’s input. I would recommend Ann to anyone who is serious about getting the best for their business and for themselves.


Barista Coffee House 

About Me

I’m founder/MD Ann Rodgers-Hampton, with over 21 years commercial experience I have worked with hundreds of companies and helped each one achieve unprecedented growth often up to 300%.